Thursday, February 21, 2008

signs of spring...

"That is one good thing about this world... there are always to be more springs." Lucy Maud Montgomery

suddenly it seems spring is almost upon us. a few sights around our yard...

i love hearing the sounds of the birds early in the morning. ben loves listening to them as well, and searches around each time he hears them chirping. i can see birdhouses and bird feeders in our (near) future!


Dayna said...

Im always happy to hear spring getting to other parts of the country...means we are not too far off. Despite that fact that we are getting a supposed 10" of snow today :)

A waved at the garden beds yesterday and said Hi hostas. Maybe she knows more then I do about when they might appear again.

Dee Light said...

Your blog is just lovely!! I enjoyed the photos and the quote on todays post. I just can't wait for spring.

Jess said...

dayna - spring will be there before you know it - i always love those first warm days after all the snow and slush. I think Aurora just might be on to something!

dee light - thanks so much for your kind words.