Monday, January 11, 2010

101 in 1001 project... back in mid-2009, i stumbled across the concept of a 101 in 1001 project, and of course the list-maker in me loved the idea. identify 101 tasks/goals/items to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). if you're interested in this concept, feel free to stop by the blog i set up last year (and only just recently updated) just for this project (bluespeckledeggs101in1001) which has a much better description.

i loved looking at other lists, and while i need to identify a few more goals to add to the list, it's fun to have this "big picture" in my mind of some of what i'd like to do/learn over a 3-year-period.

what are some of the things you'd add to a 101 in 1001 list?

1 comment:

Dayna said...

I wonder if I have read that list before...there are some really super things on there!!

I may be inspired. I love lists but I ALWAYS set my goals too high and end up disappointed...something I am trying to work on.

May you achieve all of your plans! Have you see the ad for the MTV show The Buried life...all about helping people accomplish the things they want to do before they die.